Побыт у Свальбардзе можа быць звязаны з праектам творцы, у якім ён ці яна звяртаецца да Арктыкі ці Паўночнага рэгіёну, або з неабходнасцю зірнуць на ўласны праект з пэўнай адлегласці. Свальбард умее натхняць, але ў той жа час гэта месца, якое патрабуе пэўных фізічных і псіхічных высілкаў ад тых, хто збіраецца тут жыць і працаваць. Такім чынам, творцы, якія зацікаўленыя ў рэзідэнцыі ў Свальбардзе, мусяць мець сапраўднае жаданне пажыць тут, як з прафесійных, гэтак і з прыватных прычын. Падрабязней пра рэзідэнцыю можна пачытаць тут.
Тэрміны падачы заявак – 30 снежня 2019. Заяўкі прымаюцца на ангельскай мове.
Ключавы партнёр рэзідэнцыі – ПЭН Нарвегіі.
Artica Svalbard is an Artist Residency program that allows artists to live and work in Svalbard for a period of one to three months.
This is a unique offer for those who wish for a writing period in Svalbard. To be able to go to Svalbard, you must want to go to Svalbard, for a particular reason. It might be that you’re working on a project that can be linked to the Arctic or the Northern areas, or perhaps because a stay could provide the necessary distance needed to shed some new light on your current project? Svalbard can inspire, but it is also a place that can be demanding to live and work from, both physically and mentally. The artists who are granted a residency must therefore really want to stay in Svalbard, for both professional and personal reasons.
Artica Svalbard provides an office / workplace in the Artica House, a small flat to stay for free, they cover travel and a scholarship to cover living expenses.
If you are interested in participating, send an application with information аbout:
The project you wish to work on in Svalbard. The most important thing is to show that this project has a connection to the Northern hemisphere, or that for other reasons it is particularly beneficial to work on the project in Svalbard.
Your motivation for a stay in Svalbard.
Desired period of stay (stay should be a minimum of three weeks, a maximum of three months) between March and October 2020 or 2021.
Send the application by e-mail to: [email protected] with mark “Artica Svalbard”.
Deadline: 30 December 2019.
Artica Residency Programme:
Artica Svalbard will become the world’s foremost trans-artistic Residency Programme. With the participation of engaged international artists from all fields, Artica will stimulate a wider exchange of critical and philosophical ideas, research and artistic expressions, across the circumpolar regions and internationally.
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