
Andrej Januškievič (released on June 15, 2022, emigrated from Belarus)

Publisher, author of historical books, and candidate of historical sciences.

Aksana Kołb (emigrated from Belarus)

Journalist, essayist, and editor of Novy Chas since 2015.

Pavieł Piernikaŭ (released on August, 28, 2023)

Author and popularizer of, editor of Wikipedia since 2014, made more than 84,000 edits.

Volha Kałackaja (finished serving home confinement)

Belarusian translator, member of PEN Belarus, the Union of Belarusian Writers, and the Belarusian Association of Jour...

Alaksandr Vasilevič (released on February 4, 2022)

Co-founder of the online editions of and TheVillage-Belarus, owner of the Vondel/Hepta agency and the Ў Gall...

Mikoła Papieka (was released on December 17, 2022)

Poet, beekeeper, founder of the Honey Literary Prize, and social activist.

Ksienija Syramałot (released on November 30, 2022)

Poet, student of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of BSU, majoring in Social Communications, press secre...

Ihnat Sidorčyk

Film director, actor and poet, and organizer of poetry events.

Hanna Važnik

Poet, music teacher. Since 2012, she has been writing poems in Belarusian and Russian. Participant of poetry festivals.

Aleś (Alaksiej) Minaŭ (forced to leave the country)

Poet, teacher of Belarusian language and literature.

Sviatłana Kuprejeva (released on October 12, 2021)

Poet, member of Viktar Babaryka’s initial team, daughter of Belarusian writer and linguist Mikoła Kuprejeŭ, teacher a...