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  • Andrej Januškievič (released on June 15, 2022, emigrated from Belarus)

Andrej Januškievič (released on June 15, 2022, emigrated from Belarus)

Last update: 20 May 2022
Andrej Januškievič (released on June 15, 2022, emigrated from Belarus)
Publisher, author of historical books, and candidate of historical sciences.

May 20, 2022

In 2002, he defended his candidate’s thesis on the Livonian War (1558–1570) and its influence on the development of socio-political processes in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Author of the books: The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Livonian War 1558-1570. Minsk, 2007; The Livonian War. Vilnia against Moscow, 1558–1570. Moscow, 2013; The Livonian War of 1558–1570 and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Minsk, 2013; Ula: Historical sketch. Minsk, 2015.

In 2014, he founded the Januskievic Publishing House, which specializes in publishing historical and Belarusian literature, as well as foreign literature translated into Belarusian. The first book published by the house was Orsha 1514 by the Polish historian Piotr Dróżdż – the first book in the world entirely devoted to the Battle of Orsha.

In January 2021, the Financial Investigation Department of the State Control Committee confiscated the equipment and blocked the publishing house’s account. In June, however, the publishing house received a notification that it could use the bank account again.

On March 22, 2022, the Yanushkevich publishing house was asked to vacate its office in Minsk. The publishing house announced a sale of books; a line of readers gathered under the office.

On May 16, the publishing house opened a bookstore in Minsk. State propagandists Lyudmila Gladka from SB. Belarus Today and Ryhor Azaronak from STB asked provocative questions and accused the bookstore of holding a nationalistic stance. The propagandists were followed by militia officers who conducted a search. As a result, 200 books were confiscated, and 15 of them were taken away “for examination.”

On May 16, Andrej Januškievič was arrested after a search in a bookstore together with Nasta Karnackaja, a popularizer of the Belarusian literature. After the arrest, Andrej Januškievič spent the night at the Pieršamajski Militia Department.

On May 17, Andrej Januškievič was sentenced to 10 days of administrative arrest under Art. 19.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (minor hooliganism), which is widely used for politically motivated arrests.

On June 14, it became known that Andrej Januškievič was released after 28 days of arrest and is now safe.

He left Belarus in the summer of 2022.