People of Word (37)
People of word – Belarusian writers, translators, and literary researchers, publicists, intellectuals, and those who create and expand culture, protect the word and its masters.
The Belarusian PEN sees its mission as creating a space for the development of culture, dialogue, and the realization of creator’s potential, protecting the civil and cultural rights and freedoms of the People of Word.
Belarusian PEN continues to fight against hate speech and draws international attention to human rights violations in Belarus, including cultural rights. In times of crisis and uncertainty, Belarusian PEN responds to the regime’s attempts to divide society by calling for unity and dialogue among the People of Word. Through their activities, they contribute to the realization of the goals of the Belarusian PEN and share the principles and values of the Belarusian PEN and the core documents of the Belarusian PEN and the PEN International.
Since 1996, the Belarusian PEN has been a member of the ″Writers in Prison Committee″ founded in 1960 by the Assembly of Delegates of the International PEN. The necessity of such a committee is explained by the increasing attempts by authorities worldwide to silence writers and journalists by restricting their freedom.
As of August 15, 2024, there are no fewer than 37 People of the Word in detention, and no fewer than 165 cultural figures in detention (about 10% of all political prisoners).
Cultural figures persecuted for political reasons experience harsh and inhumane treatment, are in a state of constant restrictions, pressure, without contact with family and lawyers. Often, relatives have no information for months.