Cultural rights

Banned books

Literature included in the ‘extremist materials’ list in Belarus No. / Title of the book or work / Court ...

Recommendations and best practices prepared by cultural organisations. April, 2024

PEN Belarus prepared these recommendations With the assistance of: International Union of Belarusian Writers  Civic C...

Chronicle of human rights violations in the sphere of culture (15-31 March 2024)

As of 31 March 2024, at least 158 cultural figures, including not less than 36 People of the Word, were behind bars. ...

Chronicle of human rights violations in the sphere of culture (1-15 March 2024)

As of 15 March 2024, at least 165 cultural figures, including not less than 36 People of the Word, were behind bars. ...

Monitoring of violations of cultural rights and human rights of cultural figures. Belarus, 2023

“And this abrupt downfall: today you are normal, respected, a role model,  you are praised and given a diploma....

Chronicle of human rights violations in the sphere of culture (15-29 February 2024)

As of 29 February 2024, at least 161 cultural figures, including not less than 36 People of the Word, were behind bar...

Chronicle of human rights violations in the sphere of culture (1-15 February 2024)

As of 15 February 2024, at least 159 cultural figures, including not less than 36 People of the Word, were behind bar...

Chronicle of human rights violations in the sphere of culture (15-31 January 2024)

As of 31 January 2024, at least 158 cultural figures, including not less than 35 People of the Word, were behind bars...

Overview of language rights violations in Belarus during the second half of 2023

The association “International Union of Belarusian Writers” continues to monitor the state of the Belarus...

Chronicle of human rights violations in the sphere of culture (1-15 January 2024)

As of 15 January 2024, at least 153 cultural figures, including not less than 34 People of the Word, were behind bars...

Chronicle of human rights violations in the sphere of culture (15-31 December 2023)

As of 31 December 2023, at least 152 cultural figures, including not less than 32 People of the Word, were behind bar...

Russification in the cultural sphere of Belarus 2022-2023

Нагодай для напісання гэтага матэрыялу стала тэма росту прысутнасці ў Беларусі «рускага свету» ў цэлым і прадукту рус...