PEN Belarus sees its mission as building a space for the development of culture, dialogue, and the realization of the potential of creators, as protecting the civil and cultural rights and freedoms of the People of the Word.
PEN Belarus considers literature and culture to be the basis of a stable democratic system.
PEN Belarus’s approach is founded upon human rights.
During crises and uncertainty, the PEN Belarus upholds the goals and values of its previous 30 years of existence.
As before,PEN Belarus is guided by the Charter and other basic documents of PEN International, the principles of human rights defenders of Belarus.
As before, PEN Belarus fights against hatred and draws global attention to human rights violations in Belarus, including cultural rights.
In times of crisis and uncertainty, PEN Belarus, in response to the regime’s attempts to divide society, calls on the People of the Word for unity and dialogue.
As before, PEN Belarus will not imitate the regime’s “dialogue” with the People of the Word.
As before, PEN Belarus stands in solidarity with the repressed citizens and residents of Belarus and their families.
PEN Belarus assesses the current state of affairs in Belarus as one of terror and calls on the regime to stop it immediately.
In times of crisis and uncertainty, PEN Belarus feels entitled to broadcast its own picture of Belarus’ future.
In times of crisis and uncertainty, PEN Belarus strives for constructive models of behavior: mutual respect, solidarity, non-violence, transparency, the consistent protection of one’s own values and rights.
In times of crisis and uncertainty, PEN Belarus considers the main criterion of belonging to the Belarusian cultural community not geography, but values.
PEN Belarus considers Belarus-centricity to be the most important principle of its activity. Everything we do, we do with thoughts of Belarus and for Belarus.
PEN Belarus stands for linguistic diversity both in Belarus and among Belarusians around the world. At the same time, PEN Belarus pays special attention to the protection and development of writing in Belarusian.
PEN Belarus is forming an Initiative Group to continue its activities in the new conditions.
September 17, 2021
Sviatlana Alieksijevič
Taciana Niadbaj
Andrej Chadanovič
and others