Міжнародная федэрацыя перакладчыкаў (FIT) патрабуе вызваліць Вольгу Калацкую, а таксама пакласці канец гвалту і рэпрэсіям у дачыненні да пісьменнікаў, перакладчыкаў і незалежных культурных дзеячаў у Беларусі
- Reiterates and expresses strong support of the extremely important role played by translators and translations in international exchanges in culture, art and science, particularly in the case of works written or translated in less widely spoken languages;
- Underlines the importance of collective actions in particular those concerning the rights of translators, terminologists and interpreters with our partners PEN International, CEATL, World Association of Sign Language Interpreters (WASLI) and European Society of Translation Studies (EST); and substantiates our longstanding wish to work with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) by supporting their campaign concerning Belarus https://www.ifj.org/media-centre/news/detail/category/health-and-safety/article/journalists-in-prison-in-belarus-call-for-journalists-organisations-to-take-action.html;
- Urges the Government of the Republic of Belarus to expedite its investigation of allegation(s) against Ms Kalackaja and to ensure all national and international treaty obligations on rights of suspects be respected;
- Calls on the Government of the Republic of Belarus to guarantee fair and transparent legal processes especially with respect to Ms Kalackaja;
- Further calls on the Government of the Republic of Belarus to release Ms Kalackaja upon completion of fair and transparent legal process;
- Further calls on the Government of the Republic of Belarus to guarantee human rights and cultural rights of translators, writers and publishers; AND
- Further calls on the Government of the Republic of Belarus to end all violence and repression against writers, translators, and the independent cultural scene in Belarus. Paris, 21 February 202