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  • “We are calling out and the world is listening” – Issue 16 about the State of Belarusian Culture in times of the Socio-Political Crisis

“We are calling out and the world is listening” – Issue 16 about the State of Belarusian Culture in times of the Socio-Political Crisis

Last update: 26 January 2021
“We are calling out and the world is listening” – Issue 16 about the State of Belarusian Culture in times of the Socio-Political Crisis
The new issue of our Digest about cultural resistance in Belaruskeeps covering unjust and illegal detentions, sentences and persecution; captures the facts of dismissals, bans and pressure for political views; notes new cases of repression for symbols; and demonstrates international solidarity with Belarus and creative acts of resistance - new works of art and the voices of individuals.

Download the pdf-version of issue 16 of Cultural Resistance Monitoring

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Musician from Hrodna Jury Łakcijonaŭ is accused of transporting independent media; Viktar Carykievič  from Masty is on trial for painting white-red-white  flags on trees and bus stops, hanging stuffed animals in police uniforms; the former head of the culture department of the Mahiloŭ city Iryna Žabbarava executive committee is on trial for bribery; artist Uładzimir Hramovič and art manager Lesia Pčołka were detained in Minsk during solidarity chains; photographer Ryta Novikava was detained in Minsk during the action “Food Not Bombs”; young poet, director and actor Ihnat Sidorčyk has been imprisoned in Valadarka for almost six months for going out for cigarettes on the evening of August 10. On the way home, Ihnat was detained as an organizer of a chat for friends titled “Walk”.

Publishers Hienadź Viniarski and Andrej Januškievič don’t have an opportunity to do their job, as their equipment has been confiscated and their accounts have been arrested by the financial police. The the owner of a shop with national symbols “Roskvit” Jury Kazakievič had his computer and phone were confiscated, the shop was searched. Anatol Hryškievič, a teacher from Viciebsk, joined the strike demanding Łukašenka’s resignation. This is not the first time that an “under guard tour” has taken place in Navahrudak: its participants expressed solidarity with convicted citizens and residents all over Belarus with stars having the numbers “23.34” on their clothes. The tourists are always accompanied by police.

Cultural resistance: the song “Don’t Touch” and the video by project Koob Dele, “Stability” by Lilia Kvabatskaya, “Untitled” by @aftahov, “Snow March” by Volha Jakuboŭskaja; online festival Victory Artists, children’s drawings in support of Ihar Łosik.

International Solidarity: Swedish PEN Magazine PEN / Opp сontinues publications on Belarus; the poetic “Festival of Hope” began with a round table discussion on the political and social situation in Belarus; joint art project about art and Belarusian events Echoes. Voices from Belarus; Union of German-speaking translators of literary and scientific works expresses solidarity with Belarus and arrested translator Volha Kalackaja.

Read the details of last week’s events in №15 pdf version.

The newsletter was prepared by the Belarusian PEN Center in cooperation with the Belarusian Cultural Solidarity Fund.