Literature included in the ‘extremist materials’ list in Belarus:
No. / Title of the book or work / Court decision, date
1. Kaciaryna Andrejeva, Ihar Iljaš, “Belarusian Donbass” 26.03.2021
2. Viktar Lachar, “Military history of Belarus. Heroes. Symbols. Colors” 18.04.2022
3. “Belarus at the Crossroads”. Collection of articles / compiler and editor A. E. Taras 13.05.2022
4. Alhierd Bacharevič, “Dogs of Europe” 17.05.2022
5. Zmicier Łukašuk, Maksim Harunoŭ, ”Belarusian National Idea” 17.05.2022
6. Konstantin Zalessky, “Heroes” of the Luftwaffe. First Personal Encyclopedia. 03.08.2022
7. Anatol Taras, “A Short Course in the History of Belarus IXX – XXI centuries”. 12.09.2022
8. Sviatlana Kazlova, “Agrarian Policy of the Nationalists in Western Belarus: Planning. Transparency. Implementation (1941-1944)”. 07.10.2022
9. Joseph Brodsky, “Ballad about a Small Tugboat” (trans. from Rus. by Alesia Alejnik) 18.10.2022
10. Uładzimir Arłoŭ, Pavieł Tatarnikaŭ, “Homeland. The Picturesque History. From Rahneda to Kosciuszko” in 2 part. Part. 1. 18.10.2022
11. Otto Skorzeny, „The Unknown War” (trans. From French Vladimir Kovalyonok) 18.11.2022
12. “Belarus Above Everything”. About the National Belarusian Idea / compilation, translation, scientific editing A. E. Таras 09.01.2023
13. Uładzimir Biešanaŭ, “1942 – The Year for Learning” 09.01.2023
14. Vadzim Dzieružynski, “The Forgotten Belarus” 09.01.2023
15. “Records of the Society of Belarusian History Enthusiasts named after Vacłaŭ Łastoŭski. Challenges of the ‘Russian world’ and Belarus”. Release. 6 / contributor and editor A. Ya. 09.01.2023
16. Siarhiej Zacharevič, “The Big Blood. How the USSR won the war of 1941-1945” 09.01.2023
17. Leanid Łyč, “National and cultural life in Belarus during the war (1941 – 1944)” 09.01.2023
18. “Post-Soviet Transit: Between Democracy and Dictatorship”. Collection of articles / compiler and editor A. E. Taras 09.01.2023
19. “Problems of humanitarian security in Belarus”. Materials of the scientific-practical conference / ed. A. J. Taras 09.01.2023
20. Viktor Suvorov, “The Shadow of Victory” 09.01.2023
21. Anatol Taras, “Pages from the Past”. Articles on the history of Belarus 09.01.2023
22. “Transformation of Belarusians’ mentality in the 21st century”. Materials of the scientific-practical conference / ed. A. J. Taras 09.01.2023
23. Oleg Usachov, “Who, how and why killed Wilhelm Kube” 09.01.2023
24. Alaksandr Smalančuk, “The ‘freed’ and the enslaved”. The Polish-Belarusian border in 1939-1941 in the documents of Belarusian archives 12.01.2023
25. Alhierd Bacharevič, “Mr. A’s Last Book” 14.03.2023
26. Anatol Hatoŭčyc, “Odyssey of the BNR Captain” 16.03.2023
27. Sergey Syuzev, “Twenty Years of Slavery”. Belarus today 13.04.2023
28. Alicja Dybkowska, Małgorzata Żaryn, Jan Żaryn, “History of Poland from ancient times to the present day” 25.05.2023
29. “Polskie pieśni patriotyczne” (A collection of patriotic songs) 25.05.2023
30. Lidzija Arabiej. “Selected Works (‘Belarusian Knihazbor’ series)” 15.08.2023
31. Łarysa Hienijuš, “Selected Works (‘Belarusian Knihazbor’ series)” 15.08.2023
32. Natalla Arsieńnieva, “Selected Works (‘Belarusian Knihazbor’ series)” 15.08.2023
33. Uładzimir Niaklajeŭ, “Selected Works (‘Belarusian Knihazbor’ series)” 15.08.2023
34. Preface by Jazep Januškievič of the book Vincent Dunin-Marcinkievič. “Selected Works (‘Belarusian Knihazbor’ series)” 15.08.2023
35. The text of the work “The winds are blowing” from the book Vincent Dunin-Marcinkievič. “Selected Works (‘Belarusian Knihazbor’ series)” 15.08.2023
36. The text of the work “Old grandfather’s talk” from the book Vincent Dunin-Marcinkievič. “Selected Works (‘Belarusian Knihazbor’ series)” 15.08.2023
37. A collection of works. In 2 volumes, Vol. 1. Dramatic works, poetic stories and short stories / Vincent Dunin-Marcinkievič; contribution with text. prep., prom., transl. and comment. J. Januškievič. – Minsk: Fiction., 2007. – 494 p.: [16] l. ill.; — canceled on 11.03.24
38. A collection of works. In 2 volumes, Vol. 2. Versed stories and short stories, poems, journalism, letters and messages, translations, Dubia / Vincent Dunin-Marcinkievič; contribution with text. prepared, trans. Januškievič. – Minsk: Fiction, 2008. – 598 p.: [16] l. ill. 08.11.2023 — canceled on 11.03.24
39. Alaksandr Tatarenko. “Bitter Years: The Tragedy of Western Belarus 1944-1954” 08.12.2023
40. Viktar Suvoraŭ, ‘I Take Back My Words’. The Second Part of the ‘Shadow of Victory’ Trilogy.” 29.12.2023
41. John Toland, “Adolf Hitler” (Moscow: InterDigest, 1993). 30.01.2024
42. Aleksandr Bushkov, “Russia that never existed: mysteries, versions, hypotheses” (Moscow: OLMA-PRESS, 1999). 07.02.2024
43. Viktar Lachar, “Military symbols of Belarusians. Banners and uniforms” (Minsk: Harvest, 2014). 28.03.2024
44. Alaksandr Tatarenko, “Illegal memory. Western Belarus in documents and facts. 1921-1954” (2006). 05.04.2024
45. Viktar Suvoraŭ, “Day “M”. When did World War II start?” (Inles, 1994). 15.04.2024 and 07.06.2024
46. Viktar Suvoraŭ, “Icebreaker. Who started World War II?” (New Time, 1992). 15.04.2024 and 07.06.2024
47. Vacłaŭ Łastoŭski, “Selected Works (‘Belarusian Knihazbor’ series I. Fiction)” (Minsk: Belarusian Knihazbor, 1997) 30.04.2024 and і 14.10.2024
48. Aleś Pietraškievič, “Selected Works (‘Belarusian Knihazbor’ series I. Fiction)” (Minsk: Belarusian science, 2017) 30.04.2024
49. Foreword by Jazep Januškievič to the book Dramatic works, poetic stories and short stories / Vincent Dunin-Marcinkievič. A collection of works. In 2 volumes, volume 1 (Minsk: Fiction, 2007) 24.05.2024
50. Pavieł Sieviaryniec, “Heart of Stone” (Minsk, 2018) 20.06.2024
51. Pavieł Sieviaryniec, “I love Belarus: 200 Phenomena of the National Idea” (Vilnius, 2008) 20.06.2024
52. Pavieł Sieviaryniec, “Biełarusalim. The Second Book. The Heart of Light” (Dnipro, 2020) 20.06.2024
53. Pavał Ničyparuk, Ihar Mielnikaŭ, “Odyssey of Paleshuk” (Minsk, 2017) 23.08.2024
54. Ihar Mielnikaŭ, “Forgotten corps: the history of the Polish army on the territory of Babrujščyna in 1918, 1919–1920” (Minsk, 2018) 23.08.2024
55. Ihar Mielnikaŭ, “On the “border of civilizations”. Pages of the history of the pre-war Soviet-Polish cordon in Belarus” (Minsk, 2020) 23.08.2024
56. Oleg Kurylyov, “Combat Awards of the Third Reich,” Illustrated Encyclopedia (Moscow: Eksmo, 2006) 12.12.2024
57. Ian Baxter, “Secret Archives of the SS: Western and Eastern Front,” (Moscow: Eksmo, 2005) 12.12.2024
58. Mikhail Fishman, “The Successor: The Story of Boris Nemtsov and the Country Where He Did Not Become President,” (Moscow: Corpus (AST), 2022) 17.12.2024
59. Zachar Šybieka, “A Sketch of the History of Belarus (1795–2002)” (Minsk: “Encyclopedics”, 2003) 27.12.2024
60. Vadim Deruzhinsky, “Secrets of Belarusian History” (Minsk, 2011) 10.01.2025
61. Album “BNR-100: Celebration of the 100th Anniversary in Belarus and Abroad” (“Inbelkult”, 2019) 30.01.2025
62. Marat Haravy, “The NKVD Executed People in Kurapaty…” (“Zmicier Kołas”, 2019) 30.01.2025
63. Zmicier Daškievič, “The Worm” (Vilnius, Viešoji įstaiga Gudų informacijos centras, 2013) 11.02.2025
64. Siarhiej Navumčyk, “Ninety-Third” (“Radio Svaboda”, 2018) 11.02.2025
65. Siarhiej Navumčyk, “Ninety-Second” (“Radio Svaboda”, 2017) 11.02.2025
List of printed publications containing informational messages and/or materials, the distribution of which “may harm the national interests of the Republic of Belarus”*:
1. “Essays on the History of Belarus (1795–2002)” – Zachar Šybieka
2. “Secrets of Belarusian History” – Vadim Deruzhinsky
3. “On the Tablets of Centuries: Historical Works” – Kastuś Cvirka
4. “Summer in a Pioneer Scarf” – Elena Malisova, Katerina Silvanova
5. “What the Swallow Is Silent About” – Elena Malisova, Katerina Silvanova
6. “The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog” – Bruce Perry, Maia Szalavitz
7. “The Days of Our Lives” – Mikita Franco
8. “Windows to the Yard” – Mikita Franco
9. “They Both Die at the End” – Adam Silvera
10. “More Happy Than Not” – Adam Silvera
11. “Resurrect in 40 Days” – Medina Mirai
12. “Schoolonia” – Medina Mirai
13. “Shards of Our Reality” – Medina Mirai
14. “Being Miranda: How I Became Myself by Changing Gender” – Miranda Zomberg
15. “Bitches: Sex, Evolution, and Feminism in the Lives of Female Animals” – Lucy Cooke
16. “My Dark Vanessa” – Kate Elizabeth Russell
17. “HIV-Positive” – Karin Garrett
18. “Confession” – Sierra Simone
19. “Intimate Rus’: Life Without Domostroy, Sin, Love, and Witchcraft” – Nadezhda Adamovich, Natalya Seregina
20. “Her Royal Highness” – Rachel Hawkins
21. “The Corrupt King” – Rina Kate
22. “The Steel Princess” – Rina Kate
23. “Hunting Adeline” – H. D. Carlton
24. “Chasing Adeline” – H. D. Carlton
25. “The Wicked + The Divine” – Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie
26. “The 120 Days of Sodom” – Marquis de Sade
27. “Wreck This Everywhere!” – Keri Smith
28. Book series “Gangsta. Gangsta” – Kohske
29. Book series “Jujutsu Kaisen” – Gege Akutami
30. Book series “Beastars” – Paru Itagaki
31. Book series “Heaven Official’s Blessing” – Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
32. Book series “The Founder of Diabolism” – Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
33. Book series “Tokyo Ghoul” – Sui Ishida
34. Book series “Tokyo Ghoul: re” – Sui Ishida
35. “Tokyo Ghoul: zakki” – Sui Ishida
36. “Night Bitch” – Rachel Yoder
37. “Lullaby” – Chuck Palahniuk
38. “Plush Head” – Vlad Raiber
39. “Summer Camp” – Vlad Raiber
40. “The Infinite Monkeys Theory” – Ekaterina Zvontsova
41. “Don’t Tell Mom” – Sasha Stepanova
42. “The Age of Consent” – Elena Krechman
43. “Special Meat” – Agustina Bazterrica
44. “An Extra in His Game” – Alyona Filipenko
45. “My Name Is Death” – Elisabeth Helland Larsen, Marine Schneider
46. “Made for Me: A Book for Fathers” – Zak Bush
47. “The Prince and the Dressmaker” – Jen Wang
48. “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” – Taylor Jenkins Reid
49. “In the Land of Milky Rivers” – Sergey Vereskov
50. “Call Me by Your Name” – André Aciman
51. “Find Me” – André Aciman
52. “Less” – Andrew Sean Greer
53. “GULAG” – Anne Applebaum
54. “What If It’s Us” – Adam Silvera, Becky Albertalli
55. “The Perfect Boyfriend” – Alexis Hall
56. “The One” – Yulia Veresk
57. “The Sex-Cult Nun” – Faith Jones
58. “Why Kids Kill: What’s Going On Inside the Mind of a School Shooter” – Peter Langman
59. “Fact: How I Learned Polyamory, Starred in Porn, and Got a Slave” – Milana Logunova
60. “On the Porn Needle: Porn and the Nature of Addiction” – Gary Wilson
61. “To Paradise” – Hanya Yanagihara
62. “A Little Life” – Hanya Yanagihara
63. “Heartstopper” – Alice Oseman
64. “Someday I’ll Choose You” – Emma Scott
65. “Red, White & Royal Blue” – Casey McQuiston
*According to the decision of the Republican Commission for the Evaluation of Symbols, Attributes, and Informational Products. The list has been maintained since November 21, 2024.