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  • Darja Chmialnickaja

Darja Chmialnickaja

Last update: 26 June 2024
Darja Chmialnickaja

Darja Chmialnickaja – writer, translator from Chinese to Belarusian, author of the blog “Knižny Cmok” (Book Dragon) @knizhnycmok (last publication – 13 May 2023).

She graduated from the Faculty of Philology at Belarus State University, majoring in Oriental Philology, and worked as a teacher at the Belarusian-language gymnasium No. 23 in Minsk.

In 2023, Darja took second place at the “Spear of Words” competition in the Artistic Translation of the Chinese Prose into the Belarusian language category.

She was detained in 2023.

The criminal trial began on 22 April 2024 in the Minsk City Court. Darja Chmialnickaja was charged under two articles of the Criminal Code: Part 1 of Article 342 (organising or participating in actions that grossly violate public order), Part 2 of Article 361.3 (recruiting, training, preparing in some other way, or using Belarusians to participate in a war on the territory of another state, as well as financing or providing other material support to such activities).

On June 26, 2024, the result of the verdict of Darja Chmialnickaja became known: 5 years and 6 months in the conditions of a low-security penal colony.

The verdict was handed down on April 29, 2024 according to part 1 of Art. 342 (active participation in actions that grossly violate public order) and Part 2 of Art. 361-3 of the Criminal Code (recruitment, training, other training or use of citizens of the Republic of Belarus or persons permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus, persons without citizenship to participate in the armed formation of one of the opposing parties on the territory of a foreign state, in armed conflicts, military operations, as well as financing or other material support of such activities).

Mail address: Darja Chmialnickaja, Pre-trial Detention Center No. 1, Navadvorski sielsaviet, 143/4, v. Paškovičy, Minsk district, Minsk region, Belarus, 223016.