Founder and head of the Humanitarian Technologies Agency, founder of the Flying University. Participated in the creation of the “Charter’97” civil initiative, is the author of the text of the initiative’s declaration. Regularly gave public lectures and speeches in 2020. Has been the host of the Razmova Dnia program on the Belsat television channel since 2012.
Author of a large number of non-fiction articles and about 50 scientific works on philosophy, politics, culture and education transformation. Co-author of a series of books on issues of civil society, dialogue and values Belarus for Beginners (2006-2009). Author of several video courses on philosophy and transformation of society.
Most prominent books:
Belarus: despite the obvious (Think Belarus manifesto), 1994.
Belarusian democracy. Despite the obvious (Беларусская демократия. Вопреки очевидности), 1996.
Moscow must be destroyed (Москва должна быть разрушена), 1998.
Challenging silence (Вызывающее молчание), 2006.
University: a discussion about foundations (Университет: дискуссия об основаниях), 2011.
Global warming after the Cold War (Глобальное потепление после холодной войны), 2017.
Participated in the work on gathering material for such publications as The Latest Philosophical Dictionary (Minsk, 1999) and World Encyclopedia: Philosophy (Minsk, 2001).
Uładzimir Mackievič was arrested on August 4, 2021, and since then he has been behind bars. Initially, he was held in the detention center on vulica Akrescina, then in Pre-trial Detention Center No. 1 in Minsk.
Philosopher Uładzimir Mackievič was charged with Art. 342 (organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order or active participation in them).
He is recognized as a political prisoner.
On June 23, 2022, the philosopher-methodologist Uladzimir Matskevich was found guilty in the Minsk Regional Court behind during a closed session and sentenced to five years of imprisonment in a high-security penal colony.
In mid-July 2022, Uładzimir was transferred from Pre-trial Detention Cente No. 1 to Prison No. 4, and in October – to PC No. 17 in ŠKLOŬ.
At the end of October, the Ministry of Internal Affairs included him in the list of “extremists.”
On February 13, 2023, Uładzimir Mackievič’s prison regime was tightened, and he was transferred from PC No. 17 to Prison No. 4 in Mahilioŭ. This decision was made by the court, and place on February 13 on the territory of colony No. 17.
Mail address: Uładzimir Mackievič, Prison No. 4, 212011, Mahilioŭ, vulica Krupskaj 99A.
Creative activity:
Belarus for beginners: from understanding to action: a collection of essays / U. Mackievič, T. Vadałažskaja, A. Jahoraŭ; translated into Belarusian. – Minsk, 2012. – (Series “Belarus for Beginners”). – ISBN 978-985-562-048-9.
Desovietisation in the Context of Transformation of Belarusan Society: Collection of Articles / Edited by U. Mackievič. – Vilnius, 2012. – UDC 316.42:303.425.2(476)(062).
Public dialogue in Belarus: from people’s power to civic participation / U. Mackievič. – Minsk, 2012. – (Series “Belarus for Beginners”). – ISBN 978-985-562-018-2.
Public dialog in Belarus: from grass-roots democracy to civic participation / U. Mackievič.(ENG)
Do not think about the red and blind platypus: a collection of articles / U. Mackievič; edited by T. Vadałažskaja (editor-in-chief) and others. – Mn., 2011. – (Series “Cultural Policy”). – ISBN 978-985-6991-31-1.
University: discussion about the foundations: Collection of articles Archive 30 Studzenia 2022. /U. Mackievič, P.Barkoŭski; Edited by T. Vadałažskaja. – Mn., 2011. – (Series “Universitas Ludens”).
The quality and way of life in Belarus: evolution and possibilities of transformation Archived 23 лютага 2022. / U. Mackievič, T. Vadałažskaja. — 2011. — (Belarus for beginners). (ENG)
Quality and way of life in Belarus: evolution and possibilities of transformation / U. Mackievič., T. Vadałažskaja. – Minsk, 2010. – (Series “Belarus for Beginners”). – UDC 304.3:303.425.2(476)(091) “19/20”.
Revaluation of Values in the Culture and History of Belarus / U. Mackievič. – Minsk, 2010. – (Series “Belarus for Beginners”). – ISBN 978-985-6991-03-8.ереоценка ценностей в культуре и истории Беларуси
The infancy of a civil nation in Belarus. From allegiance to citizenship Archived 23 .02. 2022. / U. Mackievič, T. Vadałažskaja, A. Jahoraŭ. — Vilnius, 2009. — (Belarus for beginners). (ENG)
Becoming a nation in Belarus: from citizenship to citizenship: notes to the concept of civic education in Belarus Archived 23.02.2022. / U. Mackievič, T. Vadałažskaja, A. Jahoraŭ. — Minsk., 2008. – (Series “Belarus for Beginners”). – UDK 342.71.01(476)+37.017.4(476).
Communities building and development Archived 23.02.2022. / U. Mackievič, T. Vadałažskaja — 2008. — (Belarus for beginners). (ENG)
U. Mackievič, T. Vadałažskaja Becoming and Development of Communities. Minsk, 2007 – Mn., 2007. – (Series “Belarus for Beginners”). – UDK 316.3(476).
Functional Literacy in the Education System of Belarus / S. A. Krupnik, U. Mackievič. – Minsk, 2003. – ISBN 985-6643-57-0.
U. Mackievič Evoking silence . 2006. — Мн., 2000 ( U. Mackievič. Moscow must be destroyed Archived 23.02.2022.. — 1998.)
U. Mackievič Contrary to obviousness. 2006 — Minsk, 1996. – UDC 321.7(476)+342.83(476)+323(476) (Peravydanne: Vopravki Obviousness: Collection (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4) / V. Matskevich. – SPb., 2006. – (Cultural Policy Series). – ISBN 5-94716-032-3).